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Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) Evidence Review Group
ASCEND ARDS in Children and ECMO initiation strategies impact on Neuro-Development
BISCUIT - the Biologic dISContinUatIon sTudy
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health
Decision Support for Differences of Sex Development
Defining Successful Outcomes in Disorders (or Differences) of Sex Development
Disorders of Sex Development: A Clinician Survey
Disorders/Differences of Sex Development (DSD) - Translational Research Network
ECMO-CENTRAL (ECMO-Core Elements Needed for Trials Regulation And quality of Life) Academic Research Consortium (ARC)
Evaluating Data Quality of Electronic Blood Lead Testing Results
Evaluating Health and Economic Outcomes for Preventing Caries Risk in Underserved Children
Evaluating Policy Interventions to Decrease Excessive and Risky Perioperative Opioid Prescribing
Evaluation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Interoperability and Analytic Support for the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR)
Evaluation of Michigan’s 1115 Behavioral Health Waiver Demonstration Project
Evaluation of the Triple Crown Project
Family Well-Being Research Network (“FAM-NET”): Measuring Family Well-Being across the Lifespan
Flint Registry
HLA for Predicting Risk of Anti-Drug Antibodies
Implementing doula care programs in Medicaid to advance racial equity in severe maternal morbidity
Improving quality and equity of opioid use disorder treatment using a multi-state Medicaid research network
Improving racial equity in opioid use disorder treatment in Medicaid
Innovations in Newborn Screening Interoperability Program (INBSI) Evaluation
Insurance-Related Barriers to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Private and Medicaid plans
Michigan Child Health Equity Collaborative (Mi-CHEC)
Michigan Sickle Cell Data Collection (MiSCDC) Program
Opportunities to optimize the receipt of preventive services among children with sickle cell anemia: A Mixed Methods Approach
Pathways to Care and Health Outcomes among DSD Patients
Pediatric Sickle Cell Improvement Collaborative
Preventing Fistulas and Strictures among Children with Crohn’s Disease
Program for Equity in Adolescent & Child Health (PEACH)
Receipt, disparities, and impact of early primary care follow-up after pediatric critical illness
Targeted therapy for pediatric Crohn’s disease: Tissue levels of medications and cytokines
Tracking Dental Care Utilization among Medicaid Populations
Using Default Opioid Prescription Settings to Limit Excessive Opioid Prescribing to Adolescents and Young Adults
VoCHI - Cost-effectiveness analysis of Vaccination to Prevent COVID-19
VoCHI - Eliciting Preferences and Weights for Equity and Efficiency: A Methodological Scoping Review
Adult Immunization - Rural Intervention
Clinical Outcomes of Methotrexate Binary Therapy in Practice (COMBINE)
Costs and Benefits of Interoperability between Provider Practice Electronic Health Records and a Statewide Immunization Registry
Deriving a Health State Classification System to Measure Health Utilities for Pediatric Populations Based on the PedsQL
Estimating the economic burden of RSV infection and cost-effectiveness of a hypothetical RSV vaccine
Evaluating the Comparative Effectiveness of Medical Therapy for Prevention of Perianal Fistula Development in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Family Education for Confirmed Newborn Screen
Health-Related Quality of Life: A Pediatric Clinical and Research Tool
Identifying Opportunities to Improve Hydroxyurea Therapy Initiation and Adherence among Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Joint Initiative in Vaccine Economics, Phase 6: Estimating the economic burden of RSV infection and cost-effectiveness of a hypothetical RSV vaccine (JIVE 6)
Joint Initiative in Vaccine Economics, Phase 6: Estimating the quality of life lost due to COVID-19 illness and adult vs pediatric preferences for COVID-19 vaccination (JIVE 6)
Leveraging E-Health to Improve Care for Pediatric Diabetes: A New Approach to Care Delivery for Children and Families
Location Initiated Individualized Texts for Adolescent Health (LIITAH)
Location Initiated Individualized Texts for African American Adolescent Health (LIITA3H)
Mastering Adolescents' Knowledge and Engagement in Research (MAKE: Research)
National Voices Project
Physician Global Assessment Colonoscopy Score (PGA-CS)
Program on Equity in Child Health at Mott Hospital
QMETRIC Implementation & Quality Improvement
Quantification of Mucosal Activity from Colonoscopy Reports via the Simplified Endoscopic Mucosal Assessment for Crohn’s Disease (SEMA-CD)
Real-world Evidence for the Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab Treatment in Children with Crohn’s Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study using the ImproveCareNow Registry Data (REALITI Study)
Screening for Prediabetes and Diabetes in a Longitudinal Study of Children and Adolescents
The Safety and Effectiveness of anti-TNF therapy in Internally Penetrating Crohn’s Disease
U.S. Dental Opioid Prescribing: Epidemiology and Policy Interventions