Our Faculty Affiliates are colleagues who partner with our Faculty Investigators to conduct health services research in support of the CHEAR mission. They bring expertise and domain knowledge to complement that of our Faculty Investigators that include medical informatics, integrated behavioral health modeling, vaccine-preventable diseases, clinician diagnostic decision making, health care delivery and utilization, and health policy modeling.
Faculty Affiliates
Assistant Professor Department of Health Behavior and Biological Sciences

Emily M. Fredericks, PhD
Director, Division of Pediatric Psychology
Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy
Clinical Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Rheumatology
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Medical Director, Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship
Associate Research Scientist, Associate Director of SABER, Associate Director of Method and Measurement Core, MCDTR