Ryan Barbaro, MD, MSc Awarded Funding from the Kahn Pediatric Critical Care Grand Challenge
Congratulations to Ryan Barbaro, MD, MSc, whose project team received funding from The Max Harry Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation, Kahn Pediatric Critical Care Grand Challenge. The Grand Challenge which was held in April, provides funding support for high-risk ideas and innovations that address current gaps in the monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of critically ill and/or injured children.
The principle investigators for the funded project entitled, “Evaluating Lung Injury through Exhaled Volatile compounds and redox potential to predict ARDS and its Trajectory in childrEn (ELEVATE)” include Dr. Barbaro (Pediatrics); Rodney Daniels, MD (Pediatrics and Biomedical Engineering); and Xudong (Sherman) Fan, PhD (Biomedical Engineering). The overall goal of the project is to improve detection and monitoring of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in children. Congratulations again to Dr. Barbaro!