This working group brings together faculty, research staff, students and trainees who are using decision science and economic evaluation modeling methods to inform public health, health policy, and clinical decisions. These methods include cost-effectiveness analysis, state-transition (Markov-like) modeling, microsimulation, agent-based modeling, health utility valuation, discrete choice experiments/conjoint analysis, and related topics.
This working group meets monthly during the academic year. The format includes a mix of work-in-progress presentations, seminars on advanced topics in decision sciences and economic evaluation methods, and journal club. The objective is to bring together researchers from different schools and centers who are using similar health valuation and modeling methods.
This group is sponsored by the Program for Comparative Effectiveness and Child Health, led by Program Director Dr. Lisa Prosser, in the Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Center.
To join the distribution list for this working group, please contact Angela Rose at