The Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation & Research Center – Life Sciences Institute (CHEAR-LSI) Child Health Policy Scholars fellowship program is designed to provide training and research experience in methods and applications of child health policy research for pre- and post-doctoral students/fellows who are currently enrolled in a biomedical sciences training program. The primary aim is to enhance the scholar's current training by providing new skills and perspectives necessary for those who aim to lead research and policy in the dynamic U.S. health care environment.
As the health care environment continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly important for researchers to be able to conduct research that crosses the translational spectrum and to be able to understand the policy context for their research discoveries. The fellowship is designed to promote and support multidisciplinary collaborations across the fields of life sciences and health services/policy/economics, and to train a new cohort of investigators who are prepared to lead this crosscutting, collaborative research.
The fellowship will provide an opportunity for candidates in the basic sciences to learn about health services research and policy methods, the policy-making process, and the structure of the U.S. health care system and health care reform with an emphasis on how methods, applications, and the policy process apply to child health. Fellows are expected to collaborate on established projects or to conduct independent research relating to child health policy as part of the fellowship.
Research Environment
The Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Center is located within the Division of General Pediatrics at the University of Michigan.The CHEAR Center is a multidisciplinary health services research center focused on research topics in child health and has an active program for post-doctoral research fellows.The University of Michigan has a vibrant health policy community and fellows are encouraged to take advantage of educational and research opportunities at the newly-formed Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, the School of Public Health and other schools and centers at the University. The CHEAR Center represents more than 15 years of child health and policy research. CHEAR faculty have longtime partnerships with both state and federal health agencies, providing an opportunity for the scholar to have direct experience with the policy process. Examples of innovative research underway at CHEAR include: design and application of emerging technologies; development of patient-centered interactive data visualizations prototypes for individuals with type 1 diabetes; simulation modeling in predicting long-term population-level outcomes for newborn screening programs; and design, testing, and implementation of pediatric quality measures.
The Life Sciences Institute (LSI) is a nucleus of basic and translational biomedical research at the University of Michigan. With an international faculty leading labs in a cutting-edge facility located between the central and medical campuses, the LSI bridges a range of life science disciplines, connects units across the campus, and catalyzes innovation. Further, the institute embraces innovation, collaboration and creative science with tangible impact on human health, longevity, and well-being.
Together with the fellowship director, each Child Health Policy Scholar will develop a training plan that includes opportunities for didactic coursework, one-on-one mentoring, applied research opportunities, and a set of overall objectives for the fellowship period. The scholar will have the opportunity to draw on all of CHEAR’s resources, including experienced research staff to support research activities including project management, survey administration, telephone-based data collection, medical record review, literature searching, data entry, data management, statistical analysis, and manuscript editing. CHEAR hosts a child health services research conference, a work-in-progress seminar, and several visiting professors each year. By building on CHEAR’s established relationships across campus, the scholar will have the opportunity to create a unique multidisciplinary training plan to complement their training in the biomedical sciences with skills in health services and policy research.
This fellowship provides an opportunity for a fellow from an LSI lab to engage in a two to three year training program learning methods and applications of child health policy mentored by CHEAR faculty. The CHEAR Center’s resources and collaborative support are intended to enable fellows to build their own individually tailored educational and research plans for the program. The length of the fellowship is determined based on the percent effort dedicated to ongoing laboratory-based research and the health policy training program. For example, if the fellowship were allocated 50/50 across the two areas of research and training, this would be expected to result in a three-year training plan, but a different allocation of effort could result in an accelerated program with a shorter timeline.
This fellowship is designed for applicants with pre- or post-doctoral-level training in the biomedical sciences with preference for a candidate working in an LSI lab. Fellows are selected on the basis of previous academic or professional achievements and demonstrated interest in child health policy. Stipend is competitive and commensurate with experience and education.
Application Information
A complete application consists of the following:
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae – please define clearly your current status with respect to Ph.D.
- A brief statement describing your interest in the fellowship (1,000 words or less). including a request for a two to three year fellowship period. We encourage interested applicants to contact the fellowship director to develop a few candidate ideas for research topics to pursue during the fellowship period.
- One writing sample (e.g., report, unpublished manuscript, published paper, etc.).
- Two letters of reference.
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. All application materials (including recommendation letters) should be submitted to Sarah L. Reeves, PhD, MPH, Director, CHEAR Fellowship Programs at chearfellowship@umich.edu. Informal inquiries are encouraged.