Chris Cadham, MPH wins Student Poster Award at Canada’s Drug Agency Symposium

Chris Cadham Award

Congratulations to Chris Cadham, MPH, PhD student at the University of Michigan on your winning poster "Understanding Equity-Efficiency Trade-offs for Healthcare Resource Allocation in Canada: A Best-Worst Scaling Exercise"!

Chris has spent the last three years working along side Dr. Prosser and her research team while completing his doctoral degree within the School of Public Health. We are so proud of him and this accomplishment.

A huge thank you to my mentors and collaborators on this work Lisa ProsserShehzad Ali and Rafael Meza as well as to the funders who generously support this research PhRMA Foundation and Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada.

The goal of this work was to understand how the public prioritizes different aspects of health equity such as reducing wait times, increasing the number of individuals who can be treated, and reducing costs for individuals.


Chris Cadham Poster


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