CHEAR Student Intern Receives Award at SMDM

Congratulations to Chris Cadham for receiving the Anne Stiggelbout Award for Outstanding Presentation in Patient and Stakeholder Preferences and Engagement at the 43rd Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) Annual Meeting in Seattle. Chris is currently completing his doctoral degree in Health Services Organization and Policy program in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan.

Title: Eliciting Trade-Offs Between Equity and Efficiency: A Methodological Scoping Review

Summary: New methods in cost-effectiveness analysis seek to expand outcomes to include equity considerations directly into analyses of resource allocation decisions. These  methods weight outcomes to different groups to reflect the extent to which addressing the differences in health between these groups is preferable. To better understand the challenges in applying these methods, we conducted a scoping review of studies that seek to generate weights that could be used for these novel cost-effectiveness methods. We found a wide range of studies with considerable variation in how and where they were conducted. This variation highlights ongoing challenges in applying these new methods of cost-effectiveness analysis. More research is needed to understand which aspects of equity people think are most important when considering how to allocate scarce health resources better. Finally, surveys should be conducted among samples that reflect the population makeup of countries to ensure that the preferences are as representative as possible.

CHEAR Student Intern Receives Award at SMDM

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